We arrived at Ameland by car and boat; we explored a bit after checking in and settling in our hotel room. We went to the beach and had dinner at the hotel restaurant.

When we wanted to head upstairs, I saw a swimming pool I wanted to go to the next day. The next morning we had breakfast, headed back upstairs, and got ready to go to the swimming pool.

After swimming, we returned to our room to shower and prepare to go to dinner. This time we ate at a tapas restaurant called Dolores, and they had tasty food there and even made my mom delicious gluten-free, sugar-free, and vegan food. After we were done eating, we headed back to the hotel.
When we were back, there was a place where you could play games, so we decided to play Scrabble. I won a lot of times. After playing, we went upstairs and got ready for bed.

We went to the city on the last day to buy the last things we wanted, and I got a little pink seal key chain that I wanted. Then after we went to lunch, we drove to the boat and went back home.
