On Saturday, I had to start on my Patch Book.
First, I had to pick any book I had finished reading.
When I picked a book, I got a paper from my teacher.
On the paper were the things I had to tell about the book.
But I also needed to use my creativity.
So, I had to start making the Patch Book with robust and colorful paper.
Then we had to tape three papers together and we had to make some squires and insert tiny papers with information about the book. I had to answer some questions my teacher gave me.
After that, I created a video in an editing app. I spend weeks thinking about the music and clothing of Luna, the main character in the book.
When I finished, I put it on my YouTube channel.
It was amusing to make a Patch Book.
After four weeks, I got the results of my Patch Book.
I got a ten on my Patch Book.
When I saw my result, I was very proud and speechless. So was Zoey bear.